Being a Newbie in Team

Fadhilah Rama
3 min readMar 25, 2022


Every expert start from bottom

Some people start their career with a painful journey they never thought before. You probably make a mistake as you learn the ropes. Every person will underestimate you. If you are lucky, maybe you will find a mentor that help you to improve.

But here I learn from a lower phase, how we act when being new in our team that might be helps you:

You are not a strategy guy

Yet. Your job is to accomplete the command of what your leader ask to. To be a conceptor or think tank you need more experience, in technical and in big picture way. Focus to bring a result, not criticizing the framework.

And also you need to blend with the workplace politics and earn some respect, trust, and credibility from your team, before you lead them. This will be affect to your authority.

Get on the scoreboard

My friend ever questioning about free will, “Newton never find gravity, it’s a destiny that choose him”. How if he never sits on his garden or he’s not in there to watch the apple fall to the ground.

But then I read from Immanuel Kant, about his theory talking about that situation named transcendental idealism. Every person see apples fall to the ground, but why just Newton that think deep about it.

So, its always a matter to take your role. You see something wrong in there, fix it. It shows momentum and creates a rallying point.

Learn to be dangerous

Know a bit more : a. How the world works b. how your industry works c. how your competitor doing it. Read a book, or if you are an audio/visual person listen to podcast or watch youtube to improving your softskills and knowledge.

Don’t just focus to your job, try to have side hustle or hobby. Make it balance will refresh your mind. And you’ll be an asset for your company later.

Make friends

In the end we’re a social creature. People go to bat for people they like.

Have a support system will boost your mood and spirit. Be patient with whom you talk to. And it’s okay if you cant vibing with all staffs, but make sure atleast one that you really close to him/her.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable

The option is just two; follow the system or leave the system. And it’s always in your hand to choose. But whatever have choosen, never regret it. People make mistakes, learn from it.

By instilling a comfortable mindset, it will emit positive vibes. Uncomfortable things will always there, and you can avoid it especially in workplace. So learn to cope-with it, enjoy and be grateful for everything there is.

Train to be open minded

- Ask genuine questions

- Insatiably curious

- Listen attentively

Fall in love with messiness

Learning is always obtained from situations that outside our expectation. As Tan Malaka said “bumped, bumped, formed”. Get deal with the messiness, and you will become a great person.

We can cultivate how we are facing chaos, and the order we make of it. With our most creative, and natural selves. But the first rule is don’t avoid messiness, tame it.

Source : Romeen Sheth’s tweets



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